Winter in New Zealand
Hiya! It doesn't seem possible that the end of June is here. We hope that you are enjoying some warm summer weather for us. We've had many days of rain lately so our outdoor activities have been significantly curtailed. Some days, it rains as much as 3 to 4 inches in torrential down pours. The north island has had a drought for the past few years so the rain is much needed. However, the constant cloudiness does make us glum after awhile. When we can get out, we've found some lovely new outdoor areas to explore. As you have probably noticed, we haven't been sharing pictures of old historical buildings. It's not because we don't enjoy them, we just can't find any in the small towns we've been visiting. The locals tell us that Kiwis have been notoriously willing to tear old structures down with little thought of their historical significance. We haven't even found any really old churches since we've arrived. We did explore an old ...